Wednesday 13 October 2010

Wednesday 13th October

It's getting chilly folks!

It is time to break out the coat collection. This is one of my favourite coats from a cool shop in Carnaby Street called Bexy Lady. I buy so many clothes from them because they sell such doll-like dresses. 

Yesterday, when blogger was being annoying and grrish, I was having a little bit of a New York Couture obsession. They have recently released their new collection, named "Love". It has some really really interesting pieces in itm two of whih are these amazing wedding themed dresses. I am particularly fond of the groom one, especially the sleeves. If it doesn't beome available on the website soon, I shall have to make a version of my own!
Ok, so this has to be an old favourite. New York Couture mustachios are just the coolest things ever and I have loved them for yonks and yonks. I am just waiting for my pay check until I can 'invest' in one of these!
So offically I'm featuring the hands here, but aren't those leggings amazing! Anyway that necklace is just sooooo cool and would look amazing with a black dress. I love the comment on the site "Wear with a shirt to make a FUN statement or without a shirt if you're slutty!"
Is there anything not to like about this photo??? I think the styling, especially the hair is just so perfect. I adore the necklaces that New York Couture make but I am having such a hard time choosing my favourite. I think at some point I have to get a slogan one. However the Unicorn at the top is soo great!
 These amazing things can be bought from either 

I'm off to do a Pride and Prejudice essay now folks. 
Ally xxxx

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